Go Yay Review

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Go Yay Review

By Find It Games / Thursday, December 2, 2010 / Reviews
If you, or someone you know, enjoys seek and find games check out Find It Games!

Find It Games, as described on the website, is not just a game. It's a contained adventure! Recommended for ages 8 to 98, Find It Games is a creative game consisting of a tube, filled with recycled plastic pellets and hidden objects buried within. It's great for playing at home during family game time, occupying children in the car when traveling, while waiting at a doctor's office, or anywhere else you want or need some fun.

It's great for playing alone or with friends. When playing with others, you can see who can shake it, spin it and twist it to find the hidden objects the fastest or see who can find the hidden penny first. There is a real penny in every game. When you find it, you can register online.

Find It Games has games in a variety of themes. From Find It Sports to Find It Glitz & Glamour, there is sure to be a Find It game for everyone.

I received a Find It At The Beach to review. One of my son's favorite places to go is the beach, so I knew he would love the beach themed Find It game. The game features end caps of a beautiful ocean blue color and pellets in soothing blues, greens and coral colors.

My son enjoyed shaking and turning the game to find all the beach themed hidden objects like a shark, volleyball, lighthouse, sandals, and more. When he would find a new object, he would excitedly shout it out and then check it off on the included check off pad.

The check off pad has a very generous amount of pages so the objects can be found and checked off several times. If you run out of check off pad pages, you can visit the website and print out additional copies. A list of the hidden objects is also printed on the top end cap, making it the perfect travel game.

The Find It games may look quite simple, but do not be fooled! While some of the objects are easy to spot, there are some that are very hard to find. This makes hunting for and finding them much more fun! The hidden penny, for instance, is not easy to find. My son, husband, a few friends that have visited and I have yet to find the illusive penny.

Find It Games can be quite addictive. When you pick it up and start shaking, turning, and twisting, it is hard to put it down.

Find It Games strongly encourages people to find their games at local retailers and support the small businesses. You can search for a location selling Find It Games near you by visiting the website. If you can not find a conveniently located toy or game dealer, you can order online. They do not ship outside of the US from their website, but they do list retail contacts on the "shipping" tab for Canada, UK and Australia.




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